Viruses have several ‘feet’. They can be seen in the pictures as a kind of spines. If viruses enter the body, they need helper cells in order to multiply. These can be symbolically visualised as shoes. In order for the viruses to multiply in the body, each foot has to slip into a shoe.
Be or become immune
Around three per cent of the world's population is immune to viruses. The reason: they lack a helper cell. Their placeholder is R5. This means that viruses cannot put on a shoe on one foot and cannot multiply in the body.
All other people have to produce immunity ‘artificially’. This is done by converting the carbon molecules C4 already present in the body into a diamond structure. This requires oxygen O2, which is ingested via the effervescent tablets. The helper cells are then ‘hardened’ and prevent viruses from using them to multiply.
The immunity provided by effervescent tablets is short-lived. But this does not matter. If you are infected with an annoying virus, you take effervescent tablets again for five days – and the viruses are killed. This always works.
Take a multivitamin and magnesium in the form of effervescent tablets every day. This will make you resistant to viruses. Especially if you have a severe cough and water builds up in your lungs.